Учитель начальных классов( МОБУ СОШ Кудровский ЦО № 2 )
Name: Nesreen Ahmed Serhan Al-Ahwal
Marital status: Married
Nationality: Yemen
Date of Birth: 03/2/1977
Place of Birth: Sana'a - Yemen
E mail: nesreen.al-ahwal@yandex.ru
PhD in Environmental Engineering, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia, 2012.
MSc in Engineering & Technology , Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical
University, Russia, 2009.
BSc in Civil Engineering, Sana'a University, Yemen, 1999.
2000 -2002 worked as engineer in Dorsch consult company (Sana'a - Yemen).
2002 - 2006 worked as deputy director in Abu Amin group companies for trade & agencies
(Sana'a - Yemen).
Al-Ahwal N.S. System of Solid Waste Management and recycling in Yemen: Evaluation & Possible Improvements for The City of Sana'a (Yemen), MSc. Thesis, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia, 2009.
Al-Ahwal N.S. Geo Ecological factors of Municipal Solid Waste Management in the Republic of Yemen (Sana'a city), PhD. Thesis, Saint Petersburg State Polytechnical University, Russia, 2012.
1. Al-Ahwal N.S. The Solution of solid waste problem in Yemen: The First Steps , Journal Ecology and lif, Moscow. - 2010. - № 4. - p. 34-35.
2. Al-Ahwal N.S. Assessing the impact of municipal solid waste pollution (for example, Yemen) . Journal Scientific-Technical. SpbTU statements. - 2010. - № 2. - p.209-215.
3. Al-Ahwal N.S. The Effect of landfill leachate on groundwater pollution in the city of Sana'a (Yemen) . Journal Vestn. Moscow. State. region. University. Sor. "Natural. of science. "- 2011. - № 2. . - p. 122-125.
4. Al-Ahwal N.S. The environmental benefits of recycling solid waste in Yemen / / Questions of modern science and practice. Sor. "Biology. Ecology. Bionanotechnology. "- Tambov, 2011. - Vol. Two. - p. 42-44.
5. Al-Ahwal N.S. Analysis of the existing system of solid municipal waste in Yemen . Journal Ecology and Industry of Russia. - M., 2011. - P. 54-56.
6. Al-Ahwal N.S . Determination of the morphological composition of municipal solid waste in the city of Sana'a (Yemen) . Journal Vestn. Tambov. University. - 2011. - T. 16, №. 3. - p. 928-931.
7. Characteristics of solid waste leachate and groundwater contamination at the landfill in the city of Sana'a, Yemen / / Scientific-Technical. STU statements. - 2011. - № 3. - p. 203-211.
8. Al-Ahwal N.S. Yemen: the treatment of municipal waste in Sana'a. Journal Municipal Solid Waste, Moscow. - 2011. - № 6. - p. 76-79.
9. Al-Ahwal NS. The development strategy of recycling solid municipal waste in the Republic of Yemen (Sana'a) / restore damaged natural ecosystems: Proceedings 4th Int. researcher. conference. - Donetsk, 2011. - p. 29-31.
10. Al-Ahwal N.S. Waste treatment and reducing the negative impact of landfill on groundwater in the Republic of Yemen (Sana'a) / / Ecology: education, science, industry and health: Proceedings of the 4th Int. Scientific-Practical. conference. - Belgorod, 2011. - p. 6-8.
11. Al-Ahwal N.S. Public participation in the treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) in Yemen (San'a) / / Actual problems of science: Proceedings of the 2nd Int. Scientific-Practical. conference. - Tambov, 2011. - p. 21-22.
12. Al-Ahwal N.S. Questions reclamation of land cultivation in Yemen through the use of compost / / Science Week 40: Proceedings of the anniversary. Internat. Scientific-Practical. conference. - Spb., 2011. - p. 415-416.
13. Al-Ahwal N.S. Recovery of ceramic compositions with high merits on the basis of slags and fly ashes by burning ac-tivated sludge / / Science Week 36: Proceedings of the All. Intercollege. scientific and engineering. conference. - St., 2008. - p. 119-120.
14. Al-Ahwal N.S. The analysis of landfill leachate pollution in Sana'a city (Yemen) / / Science Week 40: Proceedings of the anniversary. Internat. Scientific-Practical. conference. - Spb., 2011. - p. 417-418.
15. Al-Ahwal N.S. Calculate the rate of waste in the region of Petragarcia (St. Petersburg city)/ / International Scientific Conference, XL Week of Science,St. Petersburg, Polytechnic University, 2011. - C.416-417.
16. Al-Ahwal N.S. Housing and communal services of Yemen / / Life and Safety journal, St. Petersburg, 2011. - № 3-4. - P.66-72.
Integrated Solid Waste Management;
Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management;
Water Quality management.
Arabic, English, Russian.
Participation in many clean-up campaigns.
Participation in many environmental awareness campaigns.
14 февраля, 2023
54 года (27 декабря 2024)
4 марта, 2023
54 года (27 декабря 2024)
25 января, 2023
54 года (27 декабря 2024)